Wednesday, December 17, 2008


This is a movie clip of my all time favorite movie, Juno!  One thing that would go into the script is that when Juno walks into the store, she gulps down the last of the Sunny D and throws it into a trash can.  When she walks inside, the man at the counter is fixing something, it is not clear what it is.  When Juno is in the bathroom later, when the camera gets a close up on her face, it is foreshadowing that something life-changing will happen to her (and it did).  The writer in the beginning could have mentioned that there were lots of items in the store- it was a drug store.  I love the dialouge between Juno and the man at the counter; it just shows what kind of a teenager Juno was and it helped her develop as a character throughout the whole movie.  Since Juno was the only main character here, the viewer got a good idea of who she was.

1 comment:

Semper Fi Kind of Love said...

I've seen this movie and I think it's so funny! But I think that Juno should completely flip out on the dude who's keeping the bathroom key from her. It'd be great. I think I would take out some of the lines...etch a sketch...doodle that can't be undid. It seemed like too much in one sentence. I would have had the other person in the store be a little more creepy. That would be great. She seemed really mysterious. There wasn't much point to her.